Thursday, 3 May 2012


Things are getting better with my life so far. I met a guy named Rick. A Pakistan boy. ;) a sweet talker. biasalah, LELAKI. semua macam tu. but I don't mind. dia caring. and suka gelak. but kuat juga mencarut. =.=" hopefully, this relationship will last long. malas dah nak cari laki lain. 

ohh, I received a letter that came from New Zealand. ingatkan surat penting pasal kereta arwah Haikal yg sepatutnya aku amik last year. turns out, itu surat yg dia tulis before dia pergi. menangis baca surat dia. I know I'm  not supposed to cry over orang yang dah pergi. but Imisshim. ending surat tu, dia cakap dia nak aku move on. I am moving on Haikal. dia tak macam you pon. but, I know dia boleh jaga I macam mana you jaga I. may you rest in peace, love. I tak pernah lupakan you. :')

Saturday, 18 February 2012

I'm sorry.

what have I done to you ? kenapa you tak tegur I ? kenapa you diam ? apa pulak salah I kali ni ? hmm. Imissyousobad. my birthday is coming soon and I want you to be the first person who wish me this year. *FingersCrossed* 
Please don't do this to me. I know that you're busy with your study but hey, I'm busy too ! but still, I boleh je ingat kat you kot. 
whatever it is, I just wanna let you know that Imissyou and Iloveyou. I don't know if you will read my blog or not. I wrote this post pon sebab I dah taktau nak cerita kat siapa. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

I Seriously Couldn't Let You GO :(