Sunday, 29 May 2011

Imma fashionista ! ;)

 haha ! mesti korang nak cakap "seriously ?" ecececehh. just kidding laa. but to tell you the truth , kat rumah aku nie , especially for my mom , dad and my abang , I'm a FASHIONISTA ! wonder why huh ? sebab aku nie memang kaki shopping and tak suka pakai baju burok2 unless I'm at home. kalau dudok kat rumah je , baju koyak pon takpe. tapi kalau keluar I'll make sure that kalau tak cantik pon , at least I look good. takkan laa nak nampak burok and selekeh kan ? but sometimes aku rasa nampak jugak 'messiness' aku tu ! rambot macam tak sikat. baju macam tak iron. haish. student kan ? malas laa sikit. =P 
err , actually what I really want to tell you is about my mom and my dad screamed my name tadi and ask whether baju yang dorang pakai tu match ke tak match ? they wanna attend a wedding function dekat Putrajaya. have to look beautiful , handsome and tidy laa kan ? so , I act as an image consultant for both of them. siap tolong gosok lagi baju dorang. ;)well , image consultant is not the only thing that I'm good at ! I'm a good and helpful daughter too ! haha. have fun mom and dad !

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