Monday, 6 June 2011

my hometown and my grandma. :*

from left: my grandma , my younger brother and me. (:
my hometown is at Malacca. well known as Negeri Bersejarah. ye ke ? hahah. yes it is. loads of histories. old buildings , old graves , old museum , and most of all , old people. =P I talked about my beloved grandmother. she's one of the people that I love the most ! she's like my best friend. she understands me a lot rather than my mom. my mom tau membebel je. unlike my grandmother. she loves to laugh. just like me. she's thin and tall. and healthy. I think she is now in her 80's. err. sorry. I don't bother much about how old she is. she may looks old , but to me she's still young. sebab dia terlalu open-minded. my mom is not like that in any ways pon. I think my mom ikot my late grandpa punya perangai kot. my grandpa memang strict. tapi pendiam sikit. tak cakap banyak. kalau dia marah pon dia diam je. awwh. Imisshim. may God bless his soul. :'( ok. back to our topic. I'm so close with my grandma. I shared some of my secrets with her. and she'll be like 'ouh , lepas tu apa jadi ?' haha. cute je. she said that I'm her favorite granddaughter. I don't know why. hehe. but most of my aunts pon taw aku memang rapat dengan nenek aku. sampaikan ada certain things yang diorang tak berani nak bagitau kat nenek aku , diorang suroh aku yang cakapkan. hahaha. c'mon ! she won't even bite you. =.=" I know she won't. Iloveyou Grandma ! stay healthy. :*

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