Monday, 15 August 2011

a bad dream.

I went back to sleep after I took my sahur. and I dreamt about you. I mimpi how close we were. you hugged me. you put your arms around my shoulder and I put mine around your waist. I miss that. seriously. Imissyousomuch. :'( I don't know how to move on. I don't know how to forget you. I don't know how to say goodbye to the memories that you tinggalkan. you're my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye. when I think about you , I straight away remind myself of 'dia daa ada gf. kau kena move on Ilani.' but it never work. I still ingat kat you. I remember EVERYTHING ! you hold my hand. you kissed me. you hugged me tight. I don't know how to erase that memories that are supposed to be my sweet memories. now it turns into a nightmare. I taknak ingat pasal tu. I want you to be happy with her. please. get off of my mind. I hate to say this but I think you live in my past. I'm scared of getting hurt again.

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